Life in the ROK

West goes East: The lives and adventures of a Californian couple living in Seoul

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life in a hotel room. I brought Max's butterfly mobile with us on this trip, it is one of his favorite things and is now hanging in the entry way of our room. This weekend we will move into a cabana behind a family friend's house. We are excited to have a little more space and a kitchen=) Jay has frequently reminded me that Pioneer families lived in spaces often smaller than our is good to keep perspective but sometimes hard to remember to whisper when Max is napping.
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Max is really embracing the local culture of Texas, here he is trying to drink Jay's Shiner Bock;)
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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our last day at Palm St.....for those who do not know, my mom and Bruce's house is in escrow and tonight will be the last night I stay there.  I will miss this house, it was an amazing place to grow up and come back to over the years.  This house has been a wonderful place to gather and spend time with family and friends and that may be what I will miss the most.  But now it is time to move on and I look forward to visiting my mom and Bruce in Orcas Island Washington and new adventures in the Pacific Northwest.  For now Max and I are off to San Antonio to spend 6 weeks with Jay while he takes the Captains Career Course.  Yes I know he is a Major......  
On our last day we were busy packing, swimming, seeing friends, and learning to play the piano.
As you can see Max now loves the pool.
This is good since it will be pretty hot in San Antonio=)  Max's Great American Adventure continues.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

At almost 4 months old Max is already helping out with the blog=)
Max and Grandma Mary Jane have a good time.
Ok who is copying who here?  Aren't they cute?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Today one of my best friends since I was in pre-school came over with her one year old son.
Max was fascinated by Jack and watched his every move.  Mostly Jack was busy with other things.
But somehow Max's toes were interesting enough to hold his attention.
Then they created a secret handshake.

Max has figured out his jumper!!!
He kind of looks like a drunk sailor swaying around without a lot of control.

Max has fun playing with his Gramby.  No I did not spell Grandpa dad has chosen the name Gramby to be used by his grandchildren=)  This is helpful really since Max has 6 grandparents!
Max, Max, not a fan of brunch so far.  But my mom Kaylie and I had a nice time.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Max cracks himself up looking in the mirror:)  And entertains everyone around.
This photo was taken after our last swim in the pool, which Max finally enjoyed=)  This is good news since we are headed to hot and humid San Antonio next Friday, where Jay and Max will enjoy pool time together.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Last weekend Max attended his first BBB Bob's Birthday Baseball Bash....I guess that should be 4 Bs....anyways here he is after our interview with the Dodger bowl he won.  This BBB was the 20th year my Dad and Ann have had the event.  A good time was had by all, except Max who was not that happy to be so hot and sweaty in the park for 3 hours;(  I image he will have a lot better time at the BBB when he can play ball.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Max tries out his LA look.  (Doesn't he look old here?)
Max and uncle Tyler get acquainted.  (Look at those chubby knees=)
Max loves all the flowers, especially these bright red roses.

This is our favorite taco stand in LA so we had to make a stop while Jay was in town.
There are great murals in the eating area, and Max napped through our lunch, perfect!

There have been lots of firsts since we arrived in LA.  Unfortunately due to our collective jet-lag we have only caught a few with the camera.....Max enjoys his Grandma Mary Jane's garden.
While flying like a bee with his dad.
And so far likes sucking on his new jumper=)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Today was Max and Shoma's last play date before we leave for the states. After Max woke up from his nap we decided to give them some face time and see what happened. Mostly they looked at Ritsuko and I.
Or one of them would look at the other while the other was looking away.
Then they had a staring competition.
And an air swimming competition....they tied=)
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