Life in the ROK

West goes East: The lives and adventures of a Californian couple living in Seoul

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Disclaimer: This blogging program is shows up in Korean on my PC thus is somewhat nonsequitur, for which I apologize.

That stated, see the last entry for the start of YK's visit to Korea. In the first photo here, we are visiting an 18th century castle about a half hour south of Seoul. It was pretty cold and windy.

In the second, a brief explanation of the setting: we went up to the DMZ and saw some of the relics there. Here we are demonstrating the "handshake of freedom" while standing in front of the "wall of freedom" while standing on the "bridge of freedom". Best of all, it was free!

YK here with North Korea visible across the Imjin River. YK thought he was being spied on by a guy in an overcoat. It could be true.

The send-off dinner at The Clam and Shell Grill. All you can eat crustaceans and drinks for three: $50! C ya YK. Thanks for coming. We look forward to our next visitors.


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