West goes East: The lives and adventures of a Californian couple living in Seoul
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The traffic in Seoul is so bad that these snack shacks spring up along the freeway during rush hour. The people that work at them just park in the median and walk up and down the rows of cars selling green tea and dried squid snacks.
Buddha’s birthday is a national holiday in Korea so Jay and I decided to visit a temple and see what it was all about. When the weather is better they light candles in the lanterns that are all over the temple grounds....unfortunately for us it was pouring rain all day, but the lanterns were still beautiful.
After wandering around the temple we were pretty wet in spite of our umbrellas so we went inside a building and found an exhibition of lanterns that were made of Korean paper and were hand painted. The lanterns were modeled after Korean mythical and historic figures and the craftsmanship was impressive, they were worth getting wet to see.