Life in the ROK

West goes East: The lives and adventures of a Californian couple living in Seoul

Sunday, March 30, 2008

This is an interruption of our normal programming. The Baby Max Weblog will return momentarily.

Spring has sprung! Most of our California relatives may not remember, or even have real knowledge, of how wonderful spring is. After two dang-cold Korean winters, I do. Spring is great. Magnolia trees began to bloom this week and others are following suit to welcome little Max into a warmer, more joyful world.

Yay for spring!
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Friday, March 28, 2008

Jay shows Max some of his new play equipment......not hard to tell who is more excited about all the toys.

Max 4 days old.
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Introducing... Maxwell Carl Baker! Born 26 March 2008 at 1004 in Seoul, Korea. Weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz and stretching the tape at 19 1/4 inches.

Mom is happy to be holding her son finally.

Jay and Max get to know each other. One of them isn't so sure about all this.

Grandma and Max make each other's acquaintance.

My ambulance drivers gave us a beautiful bouquet. We thought Max had won the Kentucky Derby or something.

Thanks for the gorgeous flowers!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Mom arrived in Korea on Friday and Saturday was her birthday, so we took her to Insadong for some Korean b-day treats.
As you can see no baby yet......due date is Tuesday.....we will see.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Here's Colleen at 38 5/7 weeks at the Seoul Olympic Park. If anyone doesn't remember, they held the Olympics here in 1988. It was kind of a quinceanera, or a coming out, for South Korea and they are still really proud of it. The Olympics preceded the first democratically elected president in Korea, which is probably something the Chinese Communist Party leaders have remembered more than once. Anyway, there was this big fishhook looking sculpture there, along with super prego Colleen.

The park had a nice little 2.5 km ramble we enjoyed. With the weather warming up, it was 55F!, we loved it. The trees are showing off their buds but you can still see the magpie nests for another month or so. The first time we saw magpies was in Colorado Springs then we moved here. Turns out magpies are the national bird of Korea. We like magpie birds, they are friends for us.
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