See the entry below for the start of the climbing story. Here are Chris and I at the top of Insubong about to head down.
Thanks Chris! Good luck in Washington (and Iraq).
West goes East: The lives and adventures of a Californian couple living in Seoul
See the entry below for the start of the climbing story. Here are Chris and I at the top of Insubong about to head down.
Recognize the 3 buildings on the left? They are the same buildings that we photographed a few weeks ago on a clear evening all lit up. Now we are in the midst of the monsoon season, where it is not uncommon to have %100 chance of rain in the weather forecast. It is a pretty amazing experience living in a country with such extreme weather.....this is not CA!!!
This weekend Jay and I went to the Boryeong Mud Festival. We traveled by train about 2.5 hours to get to Daechon Beach where the festival has been held for the last few years. Boryeong mud is supposed to be very good for your skin. There is a Boryeong mud center that sells skin treatments and special soaps all year around, but the festival is the only time you get to use the mud for free!!! Here I am standing next to one of the peaceful mud people.
After we got cleaned up we walked down the boardwalk to see what was going on in Daecheon. And just when we were feeling a bit parched the Korean Coka Cola Club rolled up on their matching scooters and gave us some Diet Cokes.
We went on a day trip to an island in the Yellow Sea today called Deokjeokdo. There is a nice little archipelago of about 100 islands west on Incheon harbor, where the airport is, and this little island we visited is there. We were greeted by some ajummas hawking the local wares. Mmm, tasty!
Jay and I recently went to a party at the British Ambassador's house that was hosted by the Royal Asiatic Society. There was a performance by a Korean traditional music and dancing group. The performers swing the long strings on their heads by moving their necks in circles... it is pretty cool to watch but you can't get too close or you will get whipped by a whirling string.