Life in the ROK

West goes East: The lives and adventures of a Californian couple living in Seoul

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Max finger paints

I bought some finger paints for Max and have been really excited about letting him try them. So this weekend while Jay was gone I set up Max's painting station on his high chair. He was pretty unsure about the whole thing and kept shaking his hand in the air trying to get the red paint off! Here are his first two masterpieces;-)
I like to call this one "Birds take flight"
and this one is "Untitled #1."
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Max's new seat

After reorganizing our storage garage when you live on the 24th floor...

Max discovered that he had a new favorite seat!
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Boat Trip on the Han

Max eats Korean food
and practices using chopsticks
before our boat trip on the Han River.
Behind us is the Korean Congress building. Yes, Max is wearing a San Diego Padres hat, for all you fans out there;-)
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Toddler Cross Fit

Max does his toddler cross fit workout! He is getting very strong;-)
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Monday, May 18, 2009


Today I did my first full Hero workout for CrossFit. This one is called Murph, named after LT Mike Murphy of the Navy Seals, who died in Afghanistan. After Seals PT, he would do this next. It's a one mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, then run another mile. In body armor. I was ahead after the bodyweight exercises, but Trigg's long legs were his advantage in the run and he beat me by one second at 41:40.

RIP LT Mike Murphy.
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Jay goes flyfishing in Korea

Colleen was kind enough to let me go flyfishing before leaving Korea. I left Friday night on the express bus down to the south of the country and met up with my guide, James Card, in the morning. It rained all day, mostly a light but constant little drizzle. Thanks James for hooking me up with some rain and fishing gear to keep me dry. Behind James you can see the little gorge we started the day in, trying to hook into some barbels, notchmouth, and others. It was absolutely gorgeous, or at least my starvation for nature from being trapped in Seoul made me think so. I was loving it, despite the rain.
Here is my first and only catch. It's a little notchmouth, the only of its kind in the world.
Check out the front of the jaw, how it hooks down then up. It fits into a notch on the upper jaw, hence the name.
We spent the second part of the day fishing a beautiful trout stream up in the mountains. I got a couple of strikes in this little pool but did not hook into one of the cherry trout we were after. Granted, I am a very novice flyfisher and need to get some hours and days and weeks under my belt. This was one of those. Despite the paucity of fish catching, I had a great time in the outdoors, hiking all around, chatting it up with James, etc. A great, great day. Thanks Colleen! You're the best wife ever.

PS A few more photos on Facebook but not so much photo shooting due to the rain. Trust me, it was wonderful.
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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Han River Park

These days we spend a lot of time at the Han River Park in our neighborhood.
The apt we live in is in the second row behind Max.
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Max and Jay eat Grapes

Max is really into feeding us lately.
He is kind of like a little prince afraid he will be poisoned so he makes us try everything first.
Here he and Jay were eating grapes while we were at the Han river park.
He also says mmmmmmm whenever he gives us a bite....I wonder where he learned that?
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Friday, May 15, 2009

Max the traveler

Max tries out his new backpack/suitcase and prepares for our next trip to the states and our move to Italy!

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Busy Max

Max turns in circles, chases birds, throws grass, picks up sticks, and kicks a soccer ball all in 3 minutes.

Max the loud phone talker

We are not sure where he got it from, but Max is a loud phone talker...babbler really at this point.  It seems like he is yelling at someone for a business deal gone bad or maybe just not being able to play outside when he wanted to.  

Monday, May 04, 2009

Max's first short film

Max loves playing with our little video camera. We probably have about fifty 3 second videos that he has taken, mostly of me changing his diaper. I am sure other mom's can relate that you will give them just about anything to keep them distracted long enough to actually get that clean diaper on. Here is one of his more intersting short films.